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How Placement Exclusions Work

How does Spider AF Block fraudulent and malicious placements?

Ronald Ng avatar
Written by Ronald Ng
Updated over a year ago

Spider AF automatically detects and blocks invalid and non-brand safe placements based on categorical assignment and referral data on Google and Yahoo Display advertising. Placement data can also be exported to be used to create exclusion lists on other networks aside from the two mentioned earlier.

How it works

Malicious Placements

Spider AF recieves data through it's tracker, and is able to identify if a large amount of invalid data is coming from these referrals. If invalid activity reaches a threshold, then Spider AF will mark these placements as invalid or malicious placements and add them to your account placement blacklist.

Brand Safety

Currently brand safety categories can only be used on web based placements. Youtube and Mobile apps can still be blocked through the dashboard manually, but do not support brand safety categories.

Spider AF also mechanisms to both reactively and proactively block placements that do not match your brand expectations, for example placements that contain content about drugs, alochol, gambling, ect.

Spider AF retrieves placement data from your ads account daily. Spider AF then uses this data to crawl the placements of which your advertising has run on. Using the data from this, Spider AF then uses sophisicated content and text matching algorithms to identify what kind of content that is on the website. Spider AF then categorizes placements accordingly so that you can exclude them in mass.

Manual exclusion

All of the previous methods mentioned function automatically once unwanted categories are configured. Although Spider AF may identify the majority of invalid placements, there are cases where manual exclusion may be wanted. You can block placements directly from the Placement 'type' dashboards.


To review placement exclusions, you can find more information here:

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