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How to set up an audience tag with Twitter Ads

This article explains how to use Twitter Ads to set up an audience tag, which you can use for audience exclusion.

Ronald Ng avatar
Written by Ronald Ng
Updated over a week ago

Getting started

To use audience exclusion with Twitter, you first create an audience tag, which we use to build the audience for exclusion.

How to create an audience tag

  1. Log in to Twitter Ads.

  2. In the top menu, click Tools, then click Events manager.

  3. Click Add event source.

  4. Select Single-event website tag, then click Next.

  5. Click I agree.

  6. Add a name.

    For Event type, select Site Visit.

    For Post-engagement attribution window, select 90 days.

    For Post-view attribution window, select 1 day.

    Under Website Activity Audience, set the switch to On.

    Click Next.

  7. Select all of the text for the tag code. Copy and paste this text into the Spider AF contact window.

    Click Save Event Source.

We can guide you through this setup with screen sharing. Please contact us if you have any trouble.

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